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Showing posts from 2017

No Longer "Pay What You Want," But Still Lots of Free Books

Wow, I haven't made a blog post since the launch of Mothman's Return?  So much for keeping up with this! That being said, it's been nearly two months since the release of the latest Enoc Tales adventure, and I'm making a few adjustments to how I'll be getting these books out to as many people as possible. First of all, I want to thank everyone who has read "Tale of the Mothman's Return!" The response for this book has been amazing!  By now several people have finished it, and reviews are coming in—and boy are they positive! Here are a few things people have to say about it... "What an exciting book! I couldn't put it down! Characters, scenes, details...all so clear! This author's knowledge of facts and events is so impressive! So colorful and will be glad you purchased this book! I love it! I can't wait for the next novel by Edison T. Crux!" "I'm always a fan of Edison's work, and his latest

Mothman's Return Ebook Will Be FREE! (If You Want It To Be)

If you haven't seen my announcement on Social Media (which you probably have; I post there a lot more than here, haha), then there is some good news. Tale of the Mothman's Return will be available October 13th! That's right, after all the waiting we have a release date set in stone. And how perfect; I was able to launch it on Friday the 13th! Stay tuned on more details about the book launch, but for now, I have more  really exciting news to share... Tale of the Mothman's Return Can Be Yours FREE! You read that right. I will be making the PDF version of Mothman's Return available for any price you want, even no price at all.  It's a concept called Pay What You Want, and I gotta say I love the whole idea.  Here's how it works...

Life Is Looking Up!

Photo by Franklin Hunting Hey everybody! Not long ago, I came out and talked about the difficulties I was facing, in both my home and professional life. It's been nearly a month since then, and I thought it was time to let you know how things have been since  then. Enormous Support From Fans & Friends First of all, I need to acknowledge how amazing everyone has been. After posting that, people who I hardly talked to anymore reached out with words of kindness and support. There was so much love, so much kindness, and so much support that I couldn't help but feel uplifted. So to everyone who supported me after that, thank you so much! As is always the case when posting something online, there were a few people with negative things to say. I expected that—in fact, fear of that very criticism is a big part of why people don't express their pain publicly. I'm proud to say that negative reaction didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Haters a

Tale of the Mothman's Return PREVIEW!

If you've been following me on Facebook or Twitter , then you know I've been making steady progress on Tale of the Mothman's Return . And man, does it feel good. I'm within spitting distance of being ready to share this book with the world. I just have a few chapters left to revise, then all that remains is post-production—preparing the print and ebook layouts, setting it up for sale, etc. It's long overdue, and for those of you eager to get your hands on it, I have a little treat... Preview the Prologue & First 2 Chapters of Mothman's Return! Wait no longer—you can check out the beginning of Mothman's Return right now! These three chapters (well okay—two chapters and a prologue) do a great job of setting the stage for the rest of the book. They'll introduce you to the characters and the things that kick this story into gear. I think you're going to enjoy them, and they'll get you even more pumped for the rest of the book.

Exhausting Year At The Crux Home

I settled in to write this blog post, and suddenly banshee screams filled the house. I went to see what was wrong. Nothing. Nothing at all. Alex—my autistic 4 year-old son—was screaming his head off for no discernible reason. Sometimes he can talk, a little, but he much prefers constant screaming. So far I've tried everything I know of to help calm him down—made sure his tablet is working, gave him reassuring hugs, comforted him—but forty minutes later there's no sign of slowing down. This is a pretty normal day for me now. I know I've fallen off the face of the Earth again. My YouTube channel abruptly died, there's been no word from me on social media, and that book that's been "almost finished" for a year is in that same, stranded condition. It hasn't exactly been a fun year, but it's time I explain what I've been up to (and—with any luck—what you can expect in the future) What happened? About a year ago, things were going