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Showing posts from August, 2017

Exhausting Year At The Crux Home

I settled in to write this blog post, and suddenly banshee screams filled the house. I went to see what was wrong. Nothing. Nothing at all. Alex—my autistic 4 year-old son—was screaming his head off for no discernible reason. Sometimes he can talk, a little, but he much prefers constant screaming. So far I've tried everything I know of to help calm him down—made sure his tablet is working, gave him reassuring hugs, comforted him—but forty minutes later there's no sign of slowing down. This is a pretty normal day for me now. I know I've fallen off the face of the Earth again. My YouTube channel abruptly died, there's been no word from me on social media, and that book that's been "almost finished" for a year is in that same, stranded condition. It hasn't exactly been a fun year, but it's time I explain what I've been up to (and—with any luck—what you can expect in the future) What happened? About a year ago, things were going...